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Describing the Modern Woman

What were the modern woman like during the Meiji time period?

Early Meiji Time Period

In books released in the late nineteenth century, discussing the topic of women, girls, or married women in the respective titles, were written by men. These men were concerned with the reformation of women and women's roles. During this time period, women were depicted through literature and other forms of media as powerless, as it fit the narrative of many of the male writers, and men in society as a whole at the time. The Meiji Restoration took place in 1868, yet still the status of women was not fully restored. The only major benefit in which women experienced as a result, was an expansion in higher education for women, and more job prospects, for example, as farmers, workers at factories and market vendors. Still, as will be later discussed, there were many issues with working conditions for girls and women. 


The Meiji Civil Code of 1898 and Meiji Constitution of 1889 were both newly introduced legislations, however they did not provide women with much legal, political or social security .There were individual women during the early Meiji period in which worked, however, they were not the only women active during political women's movements. It was in fact, a struggle at times to gain access for women to public spaces to discuss ideas, and wishes for change. There were previous protests even before the Early Meiji time period women, for example, peasant women who challenged restrictions. However, the Meiji period continued this trend, and were often in charge of ensuring change to women's status. 


It is important to note however, much of the propaganda, and ideal of “good wife, wise mother”, promoting education for women, was aimed towards those of the middle-class. The lower-class girls and women were faced with a different reality. 

In many instances, it took groups of women, and activists coming together to make positive change on one another, in order to see positive change.

Private Meeting

Industrial Revolution

Stationary photo

Industrial Revolution

There was a need for massive amounts of labour during the Meiji time period. Many workers came from the farmland areas, and consisted of women. This came the rise of government propaganda, in order to get families comfortable with coming to terms with parting with their daughters. This will be discussed in further sections. 





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